Publishing Guidelines For Guest Authors Do you want to publish an article in Content Marketing? This is what you should do: 1. Get in touch Write to telling us of your interest in participating with an article on our blog. Submit your proposal for a topic or topics. But first, it first evaluates the blog to verify that the article doesn't exist yet. Also, check that your ideas are of interest to Content Marketing. 2. Publication Guidelines Once the idea is Clipping Path Service approved in the email, your article must: Be reviewed by the Content Marketing team and subject to approval or adjustments. The team reserves the right to make adjustments to the text. Be sent in Google Docs, duly formatted with titles and links. If you have images, send them attached to the email with Google Docs. It must be completely original content from the person submitting the article. The submitted article cannot be published in any other Blog,
Website or Social Network. The article must have at least 1,000 words, preferably 1,500 or more. We do not have a limit of links that you can include, but we advise you not to exaggerate and only use whenever they are important to the reader. The links and the amount will be determined by the publisher on the blog. We will remove the link if it directly attacks an important blog keyword. Links must lead to content in Spanish. There is no link in the first paragraph.
NO commercial links are accepted, only links to other content and only 1 link to the home page of the blog, at the end of the text. It is worth remembering good SEO practices. We take care of making the cover image, but we will need you to send the logo of your blog in PNG to the email. 3. Topics you can write about Only articles on a topic related to Digital Marketing will be accepted, for example: Technology Social media Automation E-mail Writing for the Internet digital entrepreneurship Use cases for Content Marketing Brand Online advertising personal marketing Metrics and Analytics SEO Lead generation and conversion Among other topics of digital marketing